By Arthur Kezian

In order to make your teeth aligned and make them beautiful, porcelain veneers are very commonly used. These are one of the restoration techniques that help re-establish dental health at its original and natural form. In this regard, Dr Arthur A. Kezian is a renowned dentist that provides you great treatments for dental care and health. With the help of his guidance and supervision, you can make your smile beautiful. A nice smile really has a positive impact on the personality. Some of the common practices in this perspective are:


Consult Online Forums For Information:

  • Whenever we think about change in our lives, we become very conscious and worried about it. It is best to have complete information about that particular change before you step into it. For this you can take information and required data from the internet. In case of dentistry, numerous sites and forums are available where you can easily schedule an appointment for a consultation.
  • For damaged or broken teeth, porcelain crowns and bridges are widely used in practice nowadays. Many blogs and online forums have placed the practices, uses, and applications of numerous dentists.
  • Most of them have available portfolios and photos which give the before and after treatment pictures. Through this, one can identify the major difference and impact of cosmetic dentistry. With these cosmetic treatments dentists can help patients with their image and self-esteem.

Common Practiced Procedures:

  • Porcelain veneers are used to fill gaps and align the composition of the teeth. This helps restore the original shape, size and color of your teeth. Dentists match the texture and consistency of all teeth with the veneers.
  • In most cases, teeth are so weak that they need support provided by crowns or bridges. Nowadays, cosmetic procedures like crowns or bridges are very simple. Dentists who stay up-to-date with technological advances can make your crown or bridge look very natural and have the process go smooth as well.
  • With the help of veneers, people not only boost up the look of their smile, but also boost their confidence.

Porcelain Crowns

Best Replacement for Broken teeth:

  • If your teeth are broken, chipped, or fractured due to any reason, then you can replace them with the help of porcelain crowns. These crowns help to fill the gap in a way that you can’t identify the difference between the original tooth and the crown. Some of the crowns have a metal base that gives support to the crown for its adjustment. More advanced crowns include all porcelain fused to metal or zirconia.
  • The entire aim of cosmetic dentistry is to restore shape, size and color of teeth. For the best treatment, you can call Dr. Kezian and staff and have a consultation with them. They are experienced and knowledgeable about all cosmetic dental procedures and are also fully equipped with the latest equipment and technology. Due to all these factors, they are the best in the community. Call them and find out for yourself.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777