Your Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles

Wisdom teeth can be the source of many dental problems. Since there is usually not enough space for them to grow in, they can damage the adjacent teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay and infection. That’s why most people decide to remove them. But how to know if you need your wisdom teeth removed? That’s what we’ll cover in this guide. We’ll tell you about the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles,the different types of wisdom teeth, the extraction procedure, and the aftercare tips. So keep reading if you want to make an informed decision about their removal.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last set of teeth that grow in the back of your mouth. They typically show up in young adulthood from the ages of 17 to 25. Anthropologists believe that these teeth helped our ancestors chew rough food. So it’s safe to say that they don’t have much use for us now.

Since there are already 28 teeth in our jaws, these extra sets of teeth don’t have enough space to grow in and cause a series of problems.

What Are the Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming in?

Some people don’t experience any symptoms when their wisdom teeth grow. They find out about them in their routine dental checkups.

But in most people, wisdom teeth show up with the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Soreness
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Headaches
  • Bad breath and taste
  • Discomfort when eating food

These symptoms can be mild or severe for each person. Sometimes unbearable pain might be a sign of infection and you might need to schedule an emergency wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles.

Even if you’re not experiencing severe symptoms, it’s still a good idea to visit your dentist and get your wisdom teeth checked.

How to Know if You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If your jaw has enough room to accommodate your third molars and they grow straight into the correct position, you won’t need to remove them. However, this is not the case for most people. Over 80% have impacted wisdom teeth that can’t fit in the jaw and have to be removed.

If wisdom teeth are not removed, they can cause serious dental problems like:

  • Crowd neighboring teeth and force them out of alignment due to lack of space
  • Cause discomfort, swelling, and pain in the gums
  • Increase the risk of periodontal diseases and cyst development
  • Trap food and make flossing difficult, leading to tooth decay and cavities
  • Lead to infections

If you’re suffering from any of these conditions, the best course of action is to get your wisdom teeth removed. Many dentists believe that you should extract them even if you’re not experiencing their complications yet.

If you’re still not sure, the best thing you can do is talk to an experienced dentist. Dr. Kezian is a Los Angeles dentist who can help you make the decision about wisdom teeth removal in LA based on your symptoms and unique dental conditions.

Types of Wisdom Teeth

There are two main categories of wisdom teeth: erupted and impacted. These categories are further divided into multiple subcategories. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

  • Erupted wisdom teeth: teeth that have emerged from the gums. They’re accessible and easy to remove.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth: teeth that have not emerged from the gums. They’re trapped underneath and are not easy to remove.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, under soft tissue: teeth that are beneath flesh and soft tissue.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, partial-bony: teeth that are partially erupted and partially covered by bone.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, full-bony: teeth that are completely covered by bone. These are the hardest type to remove.

The Four Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth have four common types. Understanding which type you have is an important step in your wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles.

  1. Mesial

This is the most common type of impaction in which the wisdom tooth is angled toward the front of the mouth. It might erupt properly and not need to be extracted, but it often leads to a partially erupted tooth and needs to be removed.

  1. Distal

This is the opposite of mesial impaction and the least common type of all four. In distal impaction, the wisdom tooth is angled toward the back of the mouth, and depending on the severity of the angle, it may need to be removed.

  1. Horizontal

This is the most painful type of impaction where the wisdom tooth lies horizontally underneath the gums and moves sideways to the adjacent teeth. Because of the complexity of the case, this type of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles needs to be performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

  1. Vertical

In this type of impaction, the wisdom tooth is nearly in its correct vertical orientation. It might erupt fully and fit inside the jaw. So removal is not necessary unless the tooth is exerting pressure on the neighboring teeth.

When Is the Right Time for Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles?

The best time for wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles is when the roots are 1/3 to 2/3 formed. This is determined by regular checkups and x-ray examinations. The best age for performing wisdom teeth extraction is in the late teenage years because:

  • The roots haven’t completely developed so they’re smaller and easier to remove
  • There is a chance that the teeth haven’t caused any serious problems yet
  • Young patients heal faster

Even if you’ve missed that window, wisdom teeth removal is still completely possible at the hands of an experienced dentist.

What Is the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

The cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles starts at $75 for simple extractions and goes up to $1000 for a single tooth based on the type of impaction and other necessary treatments.

Here are some of the average costs of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles based on the type of teeth. Keep in mind that these prices may vary according to your unique dental conditions and needs An exam and x-rays are required to evaluate your condition and the status of your tooth first.

Prices can be high to pay out-of-pocket and there are ways we can help you lower them:

  • Dental insurance: most insurance companies cover the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles
  • Package discounts: lower costs for removing more than one tooth
  • Payment plans: some dental clinics allow you to pay the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles in several installments


How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed in LA?

To determine the best way to remove your wisdom teeth in LA, first, you have to consult a dentist. By assessing your dental health and checking the x-rays and CT scans of your jaw, the dentist will decide on the best course of action.

Here is how the extraction procedure goes:

  1. You will be sedated by the type of anesthesia that you and your dentist have chosen beforehand.
  2. If your wisdom tooth has fully erupted, the dentist will remove it with forceps like a standard extraction. If your wisdom tooth is impacted, the dentist will make a small incision in your gums to expose the tooth.
  3. The dentist will remove the wisdom tooth as a single piece or split it into several parts for easier extraction.
  4. After the wisdom tooth is extracted, the dentist will clean the area and close your gums with sutures for faster recovery.
  5. Gauze is placed on the site to stop the bleeding and you’ll be monitored for a while before someone can take you home.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles Painful?

Wisdom teeth removal in LA is a painless procedure. While you may feel pressure, local anesthetic and Dr. Kezian’s painless injection technique, will help you stay comfortable and not feel a thing during the extraction. However, you will feel some pain and soreness after the anesthetics wear off.

Are There Any Risks Involved With Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

Like any other surgery, wisdom teeth extraction comes with some possible risks, including:

  • Dry sockets where blood clots in the extraction sites dislodge, expose nerves and cause a sharp pain
  • Bleeding, swelling, and pain in the jaw and around the extraction sites
  • Food particles and bacteria getting trapped in the empty sockets
  • Temporary or permanent nerve damage and insensitivity in the mouth
  • Sinus problems

Most of these risks are rare, but you should contact your dentist if you notice any unusual symptoms. Dr. Kezian can help you with your dental emergency needs and answer any questions you might have about the risks of wisdom teeth removal in LA.

What Are the Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

To avoid complications and have a more comfortable recovery, you can follow these aftercare tips:

  • Take it easy for the next couple of days after the extraction and get some rest
  • Don’t smoke or use straws because these will create suction in the mouth and may dislodge the blood clots and lead to dry sockets
  • Bite on a gauze or moist teabag for 30 minutes to stop excessive bleeding
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers for mild pain and your dentist’s prescribed pain medication for severe pain
  • Apply ice for 15 minutes on your cheek to help with the swelling
  • Drink liquids but stay away from soda, coffee, and alcohol
  • Eat soft foods for the first few days until you can slowly get back to your normal diet
  • Brush your teeth softly and avoid the wound area
  • Rinse your mouth frequently with salt water

How Long Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery Time in Los Angeles?

It can take a few weeks for you to recover fully from wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles. The pain and soreness are at their worst in the first 48 hours. The swelling will improve over a week or two.

Consult Dr. Kezian for Your Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles

The chances of your wisdom teeth growing in properly without hurting your other teeth are very low. Even then, removing them is more beneficial for your dental health and will save you time and money on future treatments. The process of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles is easy and painless at the hands of the right dentist.

Dr. Kezian, an experienced Los Angeles dentist, is here to help you decide if you need your wisdom teeth removed. He will evaluate them and help you decide on the best course of action. With a caring team of professionals, he is ready to tend to all your dental problems and give you a beautiful, healthy smile. So if you live in Los Angeles, contact the office of Dr. Kezian and schedule a consultation today.

 Your Guide to Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles

Wisdom teeth can be the source of many dental problems. Since there is usually not enough space for them to grow in, they can damage the adjacent teeth and increase the risk of tooth decay and infection. That’s why most people decide to remove them. But how to know if you need your wisdom teeth removed? That’s what we’ll cover in this guide. We’ll tell you about the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles, the different types of wisdom teeth, the extraction procedure, and the aftercare tips. So keep reading if you want to make an informed decision about their removal.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth or third molars are the last set of teeth that grow in the back of your mouth. They typically show up in young adulthood from the ages of 17 to 25. Anthropologists believe that these teeth helped our ancestors chew rough food. So it’s safe to say that they don’t have much use for us now.

Since there are already 28 teeth in our jaws, these extra sets of teeth don’t have enough space to grow in and cause a series of problems.

What Are the Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming in?

Some people don’t experience any symptoms when their wisdom teeth grow. They find out about them in their routine dental checkups.

But in most people, wisdom teeth show up with the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Soreness
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Headaches
  • Bad breath and taste
  • Discomfort when eating food

These symptoms can be mild or severe foreach person. Sometimes unbearable pain might be a sign of infection and you might need to schedule an emergency wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles.

Even if you’re not experiencing severe symptoms, it’s still a good idea to visit your dentist and get your wisdom teeth checked.


How to Know if You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

If your jaw has enough room to accommodate your third molars and they grow straight into the correct position, you won’t need to remove them. However, this is not the case for most people. Over 80% have impacted wisdom teeth that can’t fit in the jaw and have to be removed.

If wisdom teeth are not removed, they can cause serious dental problems like:

  • Crowd neighboring teeth and force them out of alignment due to lack of space
  • Cause discomfort, swelling, and pain in the gums
  • Increase the risk of periodontal diseases and cyst development
  • Trap food and make flossing difficult, leading to tooth decay and cavities
  • Lead to infections

If you’re suffering from any of these conditions, the best course of action is to get your wisdom teeth removed. Many dentists believe that you should extract them even if you’re not experiencing their complications yet.

If you’re still not sure, the best thing you can do is talk to an experienced dentist. Dr. Kezian is a Los Angeles dentist who can help you make the decision about wisdom teeth removal in LA based on your symptoms and unique dental conditions.

Types of Wisdom Teeth

There are two main categories of wisdom teeth: erupted and impacted. These categories are further divided into multiple subcategories. Let’s take a closer look at each one:

  • Erupted wisdom teeth: teeth that have emerged from the gums. They’re accessible and easy to remove.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth: teeth that have not emerged from the gums. They’re trapped underneath and are not easy to remove.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, under soft tissue: teeth that are beneath flesh and soft tissue.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, partial-bony: teeth that are partially erupted and partially covered by bone.
    • Impacted wisdom teeth, full-bony: teeth that are completely covered by bone. These are the hardest type to remove.

The Four Types of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth have four common types. Understanding which type you have is an important step in your wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles.

  1. Mesial

This is the most common type of impaction in which the wisdom tooth is angled toward the front of the mouth. It might erupt properly and not need to be extracted, but it often leads to a partially erupted tooth and needs to be removed.

  1. Distal

This is the opposite of mesial impaction and the least common type of all four. In distal impaction, the wisdom tooth is angled toward the back of the mouth, and depending on the severity of the angle, it may need to be removed.

  1. Horizontal

This is the most painful type of impaction where the wisdom tooth lies horizontally underneath the gums and moves sideways to the adjacent teeth. Because of the complexity of the case, this type of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles needs to be performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

  1. Vertical

In this type of impaction, the wisdom tooth is nearly in its correct vertical orientation. It might erupt fully and fit inside the jaw. So removal is not necessary unless the tooth is exerting pressure on the neighboring teeth.

When Is the Right Time for Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Los Angeles?

The best time for wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles is when the roots are 1/3 to 2/3 formed. This is determined by regular checkups and x-ray examinations. The best age for performing wisdom teeth extraction is in the late teenage years because:

  • The roots haven’t completely developed so they’re smaller and easier to remove
  • There is a chance that the teeth haven’t caused any serious problems yet
  • Young patients heal faster

Even if you’ve missed that window, wisdom teeth removal is still completely possible at the hands of an experienced dentist.

What Is the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

The cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles starts at $75 for simple extractions and goes up to $1000 for a single tooth based on the type of impaction and other necessary treatments.

Here are some of the average costs of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles based on the type of teeth. Keep in mind that these prices may vary according to your unique dental conditions and needs An exam and x-rays are required to evaluate your condition and the status of your tooth first.

Prices can be high to pay out-of-pocket and there are ways we can help you lower them:

  • Dental insurance: most insurance companies cover the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles
  • Package discounts: lower costs for removing more than one tooth
  • Payment plans: some dental clinics allow you to pay the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles in several installments

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed in LA?

To determine the best way to remove your wisdom teeth in LA, first, you have to consult a dentist. By assessing your dental health and checking the x-rays and CT scans of your jaw, the dentist will decide on the best course of action.

Here is how the extraction procedure goes:

  1. You will be sedated by the type of anesthesia that you and your dentist have chosen beforehand.
  2. If your wisdom tooth has fully erupted, the dentist will remove it with forceps like a standard extraction. If your wisdom tooth is impacted, the dentist will make a small incision in your gums to expose the tooth.
  3. The dentist will remove the wisdom tooth as a single piece or split it into several parts for easier extraction.
  4. After the wisdom tooth is extracted, the dentist will clean the area and close your gums with sutures for faster recovery.
  5. Gauze is placed on the site to stop the bleeding and you’ll be monitored for a while before someone can take you home.

Is Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles Painful?

Wisdom teeth removal in LA is a painless procedure. While you may feel pressure, local anesthetic and Dr. Kezian’s painless injection technique, will help you stay comfortable and not feel a thing during the extraction. However, you will feel some pain and soreness after the anesthetics wear off.

Are There Any Risks Involved With Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

Like any other surgery, wisdom teeth extraction comes with some possible risks, including:

  • Dry sockets where blood clots in the extraction sites dislodge, expose nerves and cause a sharp pain
  • Bleeding, swelling, and pain in the jaw and around the extraction sites
  • Food particles and bacteria getting trapped in the empty sockets
  • Temporary or permanent nerve damage and insensitivity in the mouth
  • Sinus problems

Most of these risks are rare, but you should contact your dentist if you notice any unusual symptoms. Dr. Kezian can help you with your dental emergency needs and answer any questions you might have about the risks of wisdom teeth removal in LA.

What Are the Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles?

To avoid complications and have a more comfortable recovery, you can follow these aftercare tips:

  • Take it easy for the next couple of days after the extraction and get some rest
  • Don’t smoke or use straws because these will create suction in the mouth and may dislodge the blood clots and lead to dry sockets
  • Bite on a gauze or moist teabag for 30 minutes to stop excessive bleeding
  • Take over-the-counter painkillers for mild pain and your dentist’s prescribed pain medication for severe pain
  • Apply ice for 15 minutes on your cheek to help with the swelling
  • Drink liquids but stay away from soda, coffee, and alcohol
  • Eat soft foods for the first few days until you can slowly get back to your normal diet
  • Brush your teeth softly and avoid the wound area
  • Rinse your mouth frequently with salt water

How Long Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction Recovery Time in Los Angeles?

It can take a few weeks for you to recover fully from wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles. The pain and soreness are at their worst in the first 48 hours. The swelling will improve over a week or two.

Consult Dr. Kezian for Your Wisdom Teeth Removal in Los Angeles

The chances of your wisdom teeth growing in properly without hurting your other teeth are very low. Even then, removing them is more beneficial for your dental health and will save you time and money on future treatments. The process of wisdom teeth removal in Los Angeles is easy and painless at the hands of the right dentist.

Dr. Kezian, an experienced Los Angeles dentist, is here to help you decide if you need your wisdom teeth removed. He will evaluate them and help you decide on the best course of action. With a caring team of professionals, he is ready to tend to all your dental problems and give you a beautiful, healthy smile. So if you live in Los Angeles, contact the office of Dr. Kezian and schedule a consultation today.


Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS

443 N. Larchmont Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90004

(323) 467-2777



  1. Mouth Healthy –Wisdom Teeth
  2. Crest –Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms, Types & Removal
  3. Colgate –Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS

443 N. Larchmont Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90004

(323) 467-2777



  1. Mouth Healthy –Wisdom Teeth
  2. Crest –Impacted Wisdom Teeth: Symptoms, Types & Removal
  3. Colgate –Wisdom Tooth Extraction