These are just some of the questions you might start asking if you’ve been experiencing a severe toothache or your tooth is broken.

It’s most likely that you’ve put off your regular dental checkups for later when there is no more lockdown and everyone has gotten the Covid-19 vaccine. Plus, dental offices are scheduling fewer appointments and still following strict safety precautions. But what if you have a dental emergency? You can’t put that off for later, because it can be very painful and even dangerous. But there is no need to worry. You can get the emergency care that you need.

Here we will explain what a dental emergency is and what you should do if you experience one during the lockdown. In the end, we will introduce you to the best and safest emergency dentist in Los Angeles.

How Dental Emergencies Are Handled During the Lockdown

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected dentistry more than some other medical practices. Since the coronavirus is airborne, it spreads mainly through aerosols and it can be transferred easily in the dentist’s office from one patient’s mouth to the other. So it’s understandable if you’ve postponed some of your dental work like cosmetic and elective procedures. But you can’t do that if you have a dental emergency

For most dental emergencies, you need to see a dentist immediately. But some cases might not be that urgent. If you’re not sure, you can call your dentist and ask for his opinion. After asking about your symptoms, he will tell you to come in for a visit or just prescribe some medications.

And this is what worries you more than the dental emergency itself. You don’t want to go to the dentist’s office and risk catching Covid-19. You’d rather go through the pain.

What you should know is that dentists are following some of the most rigorous safety protocols in this pandemic. For instance, all the personnel are tested regularly and wear protective equipment like masks and gloves, the office environment allows for social distancing and is disinfected between every visit, and the appointments are scheduled in a way that only one patient will be present in the office.

If these aren’t enough, some dentists like Dr. Kezian, an emergency dentist in Los Angeles, have installed air filtration systems to catch the infected aerosols. If you’re asking, where can I find an emergency dentist near me, and you live in Los Angeles, you can call Dr. Kezian for help. He will prioritize your dental emergency. By visiting the safest emergency dentist in Los Angeles, you can stop the pain without having to worry about catching the coronavirus.

What Services Can an Emergency Dentist Near Me Offer

A dental emergency might have a different meaning to someone with a higher pain tolerance, especially when it comes to toothaches. But that’s not the only measure for determining if your situation is indeed a dental emergency. While you don’t want to run to the dentist with the slightest toothache, you also don’t want to ignore it because if it is a dental emergency and you don’t tend to it, it can get worse and lead to infection.

So to help you decide if you’re having a dental emergency or not, we’re going to take a look at the most common cases that you need to see a dentist for.

Common Dental Emergency Situations


When you hear dental emergency, the first thing you think of is the unbearable pain from a toothache that gets worse by applying pressure on it. This throbbing kind of pain is what counts as a dental emergency and for which you should see a dentist immediately.

The reasons for this type of toothache can be anything from a broken tooth to a deep decay or any kind of jaw and teeth problem.

Until you see your dentist, you can use a painkiller or cold compress to ease the pain. You can also massage the area.

Broken Tooth

Sports-related accidents, falls, and hard food can cause a dental emergency in the form of a cracked or broken tooth. You might not even notice that you have a broken tooth until you feel the pain, especially when eating hot or cold drinks and foods.

Smaller and less painful fractures don’t need the immediate attention of a dentist, but larger fractures do because they can expose your nerves and cause intolerable pain.

Painkillers can provide temporary relief and a cold compress will help reduce the swelling. If there is bleeding, you can apply pressure while calling your dentist for the dental emergency. If you can recover the broken fragment of your tooth, you should keep it in gauze and take it with you to the dentist’s office.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess occurs when there is a breakage in your gum’s surface. This can be due to brushing your teeth aggressively or not flossing out the leftover food particles. Bacteria will gradually accumulate in the breakage and cause swelling along with infection. As a result of infection, pus will fill in the teeth, gums, or bones. Periapical abscess is abscess at the end of a tooth, while periodontal abscess is abscess in the gums.

This is one of the more dangerous dental emergencies and if left untreated, the infection can spread throughout your body and be life-threatening. So if you notice pain and swelling in your gums, you need to call your dentist immediately.

For temporary relief, you can take painkillers and wash your mouth with mouthwash or salt water.

Dislodged Crown

It’s not unusual for a dental crown or filling to fall off, especially if you eat hard foods often or experience athletic accidents. Another reason can be the natural wearing away of your teeth as you get older.

Whatever the reason, a lost crown is a dental emergency, because it exposes your already damaged teeth to further damage. And that’s why it needs the immediate attention of your dentist.

Clove oil can be applied to the tooth that has lost the crown to relieve the pain. If you want, you can use dental cement, which can be found in any pharmacy, and put your crown back over the tooth. Or you can keep it in a secure place and bring it to your appointment.

Beware that the solutions we’ve described here are only temporary and you do need to see a dentist to get your dental emergency fixed.

What Should I Do in case of a Dental Emergency?

1-The first thing you have to do is to determine if your situation is even a dental emergency. We gave you a list of the most common dental emergency situations above. But there are less common dental emergencies like knocked-out teeth and deep cavities. For a complete list of dental emergencies, you can see this website.

2-If you are experiencing a dental emergency, the next step is to call a dentist. But I’ve just moved here. How can I find an expert and safe emergency dentist near me? You can always search the internet for an emergency dentist, or if you’re near Los Angeles, you can reach out to Dr. Kezian. He is an emergency dentist in Los Angeles who can help you with all your urgent needs.

3-Follow your dentist’s instructions. Whether he prescribes medicine and guides you through at-home treatment, or tells you to come to the office for a visit, do as he says to deal best with your dental emergency.

4-If your dentist schedules you in for an appointment, you can find temporary relief until then by following one of our previous suggestions. You can use an ice pack to reduce swelling or take painkillers to reduce the throbbing pain. You can use paper towels to stop oral bleeding and absorb the blood.

5-Visit your emergency dentist on your scheduled appointment. Let him know what symptoms you’ve had and trust him to take care of your dental emergency.

Given the pandemic and restrictions, it is more important than ever to take good care of your teeth to steer clear of any dental emergencies and avoidable trips to the dentist.

Call the office of Dr. Kezian for your Dental Emergency

Is there a safe and expert emergency dentist near me?

If you live in California, you have access to the best emergency dentist in Los Angeles, Dr. Kezian. With an expert team by his side, Dr. Kezian is ready to tend to all your dental emergency needs in a safe office, free of the vicious coronavirus. Don’t let your dental emergency worry you, because as bad as it might seem, Dr. Kezian can take care of it and rid you of the pain. So the next time you have a dental emergency, call Dr. Kezian, your new emergency dentist in Los Angeles.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS
443 N. Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 467-2777


  1. American Dental Association – What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?
  2. Colgate – Do You Need Emergency Dental Care?
  3. Indian Dental Association – Dental Emergencies