By Arthur Kezian

Wish you had a smile that glowed just like the movie stars you see on the big screen?  All it takes is a trip to a good cosmetic dentist for some veneers!

Dental veneers are also called “porcelain veneers” because that’s what most of them are made of.  These super-thin pieces of porcelain go over the front of your tooth and instantly give your smile a brand new look.

Dental-Veneers-150x150Los-Angeles-Cosmetic-Dentist-150x150Some veneers are made of a resin material, but porcelain looks a little more natural — so a good cosmetic dentist will usually opt for porcelain.  Either way, though, if you get dental veneers from a qualified cosmetic dentist, you can completely transform your smile.  Here’s how:


1.  You can have teeth that are whiter and brighter

Most people are embarrassed by discolored teeth, because they think the discoloration makes them look “dirty”.  However, there are plenty of reasons why teeth become discolored, that have nothing to do with hygiene — like taking certain antibiotics, having silver fillings that show through the enamel, and even some root canal procedures.

Luckily, no matter what’s making your teeth look dull and dingy, getting dental veneers can change your whole look!  As soon as they’re applied, you’ll have whiter teeth.  You’ll finally be able to smile and speak with confidence, knowing that people are paying attention to YOU and not your discolored teeth!


2.  You can cover up broken or damaged teeth

Severely-chipped teeth or broken teeth can drag down your entire smile.  However, a good dentist can put a veneer right over them and make them look no different than your other non-chipped teeth!

And, luckily, dental veneers can be applied to as many — or as few — teeth as you need.  Even if just one tooth is a problem, your cosmetic dentist can take care of it!


3.  You can eliminate gaps in your teeth

Hate that gap between your two front teeth that seems to grab the attention of everyone you talk to?  When you get dental veneers, they can become a thing of the past!  That’s because a skilled cosmetic dentist can fit you with veneers that are a tiny bit larger than your teeth.  As a result, they’ll cover up the gap.


4.  You can have a straighter smile

Whether you’re teeth are naturally uneven or they’re misaligned because of an injury, a good cosmetic dentist can straighten them out.  By applying veneers to them, your teeth will look straight, even, and have a “normal” shape to them, so that you don’t feel insecure about them anymore!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777