How to Keep Your Teeth Longer With the Help of Your Dentist!

Take care of your teeth if you want to keep them!


Taking care of your teeth is an important thing, at all ages. As you grow older, the importance of taking care of your teeth becomes stronger. Why? Well, as you grow older and change, so does your mouth. You can be susceptible to bone loss, gum disease, wearing down of enamel, and even the nerves inside your teeth can become smaller. What does this mean? Because the nerves have changed, you might not feel sensitivity as often as you did when you were younger. Due to this, you can have problems or cavities and not even be aware of them. It is important to always keep up with your routine dental visits and take care of your teeth at home with proper oral hygiene techniques.

Many people think that losing their teeth as they grow older is something that’s supposed to happen, something that is inevitable – that’s not the truth. If you take care of your teeth properly and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings, you can end up keeping your teeth longer!

It is important to keep your oral care in good condition as you age, and mentioned below are some tips to help you.

Tips for keeping a healthy smile, longer:

Dental Health

  1. Use a soft-bristled tooth brush to brush your teeth in slow, circular motions as you hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle. Do this twice a day. If you have a difficulty with dexterity, you can use a rotary or electric toothbrush to help you.
  2. Floss! We can’t stress the importance of this step. Just brushing alone is not going to get the in-between portions of your teeth cleaned out. If you have difficulty with dexterity, you can use floss picks to help you.
  3. Check into additional methods for cleaning your teeth. If you’re someone who doesn’t mind going a little fancy, you can purchase a water pick and use that as an additional step for your routine. If you don’t fancy that, you can purchase proxy brushes and use those as an additional way to clean in between your teeth. Our patients love these little brushes and you can always take them with you to work or anywhere else you go. They’re a great addition to your dental health.
  4. If you wear any sort of partial denture, make sure to clean them daily to prevent any build up. Also keep in mind that it is best to remove them while you’re sleeping. This can help you keep them cleaner.
  5. For this final step, visit your dentist as regularly as possible. This means you should schedule an appointment every 6 months for a routine checkup and cleaning. This way your dentist can keep track of all your teeth and the procedures you would be needing. 

It’s easier than you think!

By keeping up with these simple steps, you can help improve your overall dental health as well as keep your teeth longer! If you maintain good oral hygiene as you age, you’ll have one less thing to worry about! 

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777