Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS | Finding The Right Emergency Dentist Near Me

If you find yourself looking for an “emergency dentist near me”, you may need to find a qualified practitioner fast. You may already have a dentist who can meet your emergency needs. Many dentists have emergency after-hours or an emergency contact number where they will refer you to a qualified dentist that they work with for their patients in emergency situations.

Things To Keep in Mind

Emergency Dentist Near Me

In case of a dental emergency, know that a dentist should never refer you to a general emergency room as they are not properly equipped to deal with many dental situations. When you search for an “emergency dentist near me”, make sure you check that they have after-hours. They may also have a number you can call to reach or be referred to a qualified dentist to handle your emergency.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can have several causes. One cause can be trauma to a tooth or part of the mouth that causes a tooth to loosen or be knocked out. In this case it is crucial that you get to a dentist as soon as possible. Another form of emergency can be pain that is persistent and not helped or eased by over-the-counter pain medication. This may signal some type of infection. Infection can be a serious problem if left untreated – always get to an emergency dentist right away for this. Anything accompanied by a fever, redness, or swelling, also signifies an infections and should be looked at immediately.

Emergency Dentist Near Me

What to Look For In an Emergency Dentist

  • Try to find an emergency dentist that is located near you. In case of an emergency you’ll want to know that you can get to the office and receive treatment is soon as you can. A quick search for “emergency dentist near me” should help!
  • Check to see the hours of the dentist, after hours, or emergency care options. Will your dentist be seeing you or will they be referring you to another dentist? If they are referring you, check the location of the referred emergency dentist. Knowing this information before an emergency will help everything go smoother.
  • Payment Options. Check with your chosen dentist about what types of medical and/or dental insurance they accept. Also check if they offer a reasonable payment plan for services that are not covered under insurances.

Emergency Dentist Near Me

Once you have considered location, payment options, emergency availability, and qualifications, you should be able to make a good choice on an emergency dentist to help  you in time of need.

During your search you may want to check the American Dental Association Website to help you check qualifications and find an emergency dentist near you.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777