By Arthur Kezian

Understanding If Your Aching Tooth Is a Dental Problem:

  • At times when you need an emergency dentist, the first thing you will inquire about is, does the pain have any relation to dental problems? The Doctor will ask you how often you brush your teeth, if you floss, rinse and take good care of your teeth regularly. Despite the fact that you may have a good hygiene regimen, you may experience toothache – This is what is referred to as sinus toothache.
  • The source of a sinus toothache is from a sinus infection. The pain that you experience is from the pressure exerted from the roots of your teeth. Sinus tooth ache might be tough to diagnose. However, Dr Kezian and staff members have all the required modernized equipment to make sure that you are not in pain any longer. The primary thing after diagnosis is that they assure you that the pain is not a dental origin as much as you might guess so from the severe throbbing.
  • Before the begging of any ailment, there are basic symptoms that you have to identify. The symptoms for the sinus infection include; fever, a stuffy nose and the common headache. At this point, you will want to see a dentist. Why not visit Dr. Kezian?  An expert emergency dentist can perform surgeries if necessary, this will stop the infection from spreading. Otherwise, the infection will spread to the cheek area. In turn, the infection will be pushed deeper by the mucus.

If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact Dr. Kezian and staff immediately to be examined. They will provide you with the appropriate medication and put you in early treatment to keep you away from ruthless infections.



Comparison between Sinus Infection and Painful Aches:     

  • The link between a painful sinus infection and tooth pain is caused by the maxillary sinuses. The maxillary is located at the chambers from the inside of your cheek bones. This location is close to you upper jaw. Once there has been accumulation of bacteria in the chambers, infections start to build up. Since this cavity does not drain, pressure will build up intensely. This pressure deepens into your cheeks, after which, the tooth and upper jaw too will be infected. The chance afterwards are that you will have to see an emergency dentist if the pains subsists.

Dealing With Sinus Toothache:    

  • The treatment for these infections comprises of painkillers to reduce tooth aches, antibiotics and decongestants to cure any related sinus troubles. As much as you think you feel better after a treatment, there are some symptoms that will persist. It takes up to one week for them to compeletely disappear and for you to feel normal again. This will highly rely on the level of infection that you were suffering from. The deeper the infection, the more time it takes to heal. And the quicker you see a physician, the sooner your chances of getting better.


Emergency Dentistry

Dr. Kezian advises that maintaining a healthy immune system is the one important step that you will need to take to avoid this misfortunate problem. Maintaining a healthy immune system does not only mean that you should eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water, but also about maintaining maximum dental hygiene. The little bacteria that mount up are the ones which will drive you to see an emergency dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777