By Arthur Kezian

There are many types of cancers that we are all aware of, but one type that gets overlooked at is oral cancer. Around 30,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer yearly, and this is just in the United States alone. This is a pretty high percentage for something that gets overlooked at. It is very important to keep up with your routine dental visits because they can help catch oral cancer at its early stages. Early detection can boost a person’s survival rate by about 85%!

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can go undetected because of a few reasons; one being that people don’t check and examine their mouth as much, and the other being that the symptoms do not cause pain.

It is important to know the symptoms to look out for so you too, along with your dentist, can keep things in proper check. If you have a patch on the inner portion of your mouth and/or throat that is either red or white, have your dentist take a look at it. Another symptom to look out for is a sore in the mouth that does not heal properly or within the span of two weeks. If you have difficulty swallowing, moving your tongue, or chewing, it is important for you to inform your dentist. It is also important to keep an eye out for swelling of the jaw, a numb sensation in your mouth, and, of course, any lump on your cheek.

All of the symptoms mentioned above are very important to keep an eye out for. Now, if you happen to have any of these, it does not necessarily mean the worst. What it does mean though, is that you MUST have your dentist check the areas of concern. A professional opinion and confirmation is very important.

Dental Check-Up

If you care about your oral health, you should make an effort to visit the dentist more often. Early detection means possible prevention! Just remember, keep up with your routine dental visits and call your dentist if you notice any symptoms that should be looked at.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the aforementioned material, call our office today. Our staff will be delighted to help you answer any of your questions. You can reach us on weekdays from 8:00AM -5:00PM and on Saturdays from 8:00AM -1:00PM by calling (323) 467-2777.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777