By Arthur Kezian

Dental CheckupWell, I know that many of you do not like going to a dentist, but regular oral checkups are necessary for your own sake; this is not a marketing strategy of Dr. Kezian, but a friendly advice from your well wisher Mr. Kezian. Bad oral health often leads to a bad overall health, so it is necessary that you pay enough attention to it. And regular checkups are an important part of that attention. They will not cost you much; instead they will help you in saving for a long term. Additionally, they can also save your life in some cases. These checkups help a lot in earlier identification of health risks so treatment becomes a lot easier and cheaper. For example, regular cleaning and cavity filling will not cost you much and can also be free if you have any sort of insurance. These two things help a lot in preventing Gum Disease. But if you avoid regular checkups and become a patient of gum disease, he cost of dental bridge or dental implant will be ten times the cost of cavity filling.

What Is Basically Done In A Dental Checkup?

A dental checkup is no longer just limited to tooth decay or cavity detection. The number of oral health issues has increased rapidly, so number of tests present in our checklist has also increased. When you come for a checkup, Dr. Kezian and staff will thoroughly check your mouth for the possibilities of a number of health issues. These issues include, but are not just limited to:

  • Possibilities of Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease
  • Possibilities of Oral Cancer
  • Tooth decay
  • Cavity Detection

Possibilities of many other oral health issues will also be checked. That’s not all, a dental cleaning will also be done after which your teeth will not just feel better, but will become strong and prevent gum disease and bacteria.

What Is Oral Cancer?

  • As the name suggests, is a cancer that starts infection inside the mouth.
  • If its severity grows continuously, then one day ghost can take away the patient.
  • Fortunately, it is curable; but only in the earlier stages of infection.
  • Stats say that every year around 300,000 people die worldwide because of oral cancer.

What Are The Symptoms Of This Cancer?

Symptoms of this cancer are often negotiable and do not get caught. People who are suffering from it’s earlier stages will not even come to know that they have a problem. It can only be detected through regular checkup. However, given below are some major symptoms of this killing disease:

  • Small bumps
  • Ulcers inside your mouth which are not getting healed from a long time
  • White and splotchy lesions
  • Changes in voice and bite
  •  Lumps in your throat or neck.


Some other symptoms also exist, for example: chronic hoarseness. You can see that most of these symptoms are often painless; so you will not even come to know that risky time has been started. Thus, it is important that you go for regular checkups before it is too late.

Who Is Most Likely To Suffer From This Cancer?

It is a disease, and like other diseases, can take anyone in its coverage. But still, following people have more chances of getting infected from it:

  • People who chew tobacco.
  • People who smoke.
  • People who have a family history of oral cancer.
  • People who use tanning beds.

Now you can understand yourselves the importance of regular checkup. Don’t hesitate to make an appoint today with Dr. Kezian!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443   N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777