By Arthur Kezian

It may seem and sound very frightening, but at times, a root canal therapy may be necessary. Endodontics is another name for root canal treatment, where special dental treatment is required on a tooth. You need to understand the many aspects of root canal therapy procedures first, before venturing into the treatment.

Appropriate Execution 

A root canal therapy is widely used today to save a bad tooth, which would need extraction without a second thought. Still many people are ignorant about caring for their teeth, until it is too late. Too much infection or decay can lead to intense toothache, which brings on rash decisions to extract the tooth, rather than to salvage it.

Los-Angeles-Root-CanalAn original tooth in its socket is always preferred than none at all. A tooth in your jawbone helps keep a proper facial structure. When you experience spontaneous throbbing as you eat or if your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold types of food, these are indications for considering a root canal treatment. If you wait too long, this may turn into a more serious injury, which can cause severe tooth decay or create an unavoidable abscess in your jawbone. Visit your dentist regularly to avoid making matters worse.Canal-Dentist-Los-Angeles


There are various root canal procedures, depending on the condition of the infected tooth. A root canal therapy could involve removing infected nerve tissue from the root of the tooth, which causes the infection in pulp tissue with abscess. To remove the abscess, your will need to secure an opening on the top of the infected tooth with a dose of local anesthetic, to avoid any pain felt while he drills.

root canal dentist may reshape the nerve canal after removing the abscess, before filling it with suitable material in your next visit. This sterile plastic gutta percha is inserted to prevent any possible future tooth infection. Your dentist may recommend a crown to restore the proper shape and function of your tooth.

Factors of Considerations

You should not accept the old school of thought that a tooth with its nerves removed is dead and useless. The converse is true; the treated tooth is still alive to function properly with blood and nerve supplies around it. The tooth itself may not be sensitive to the senses, like hot or cold, but it can still react to biting pressures.



When you subject the tooth to root canal therapy, it can last the same as the other teeth, while functioning as an anchor for a necessary cemented bridge or partial denture. High root canal treatment success rates are good incentives to consider this procedure to save your infected teeth.

Caring for your treated tooth

You might experience some postoperative discomfort after your root canal therapy. This may be due to possible bone irritation. You can ease the discomfort with less usage of your treated tooth. Keep your head elevated whenever you can, to ease the throbs and use extra pillows when you lie down.

If there is any swelling on your gum after your root canal treatment, rinse frequently with a warm salt solution. If you notice any swelling on your face, put on an ice pack for 5 minutes after every half hour and follow up with your dentist.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777