By Arthur Kezian

Bad breath is something we all want to stray away from. If you have had a history of bad breath, have bad teeth, or just ate something such as garlic or onions, then you will understand the need for fresh breath. Carrying a conversation with family and friends could be difficult and embarrassing, let alone people you are just meeting. After all, first impressions are very important. Your breath is meant to smell good and if you smell good, you will feel better about yourself. Changing your breath can also change your confidence; knowing that your breath smells better you can approach people with ease and be more gregarious.

What Causes Your Breath To Be Bad?

  • There are many reasons for bad breath; however, the four most common reasons are food and drink, tobacco products, lack of oral health, and certain diseases. These include but are not limited to – dry mouth, tooth decay, or gum disease.
  • Plaque and acidic buildup can cause bad breath; this is why Dr. Kezian recommends routine cleanings. It is important to keep your teeth and gums healthy.




  • Tooth brushing is by far the most recommended solution. When you brush your teeth, plaque, acid, and other foreign bodies are washed away leaving your mouth cleaner.
  • Dr. Kezian and staff recommend brushing twice a day, three if possible. This will rid your mouth of all harmful particles and give you a sense of cleanliness. Along with brushing though, you also need to floss. Brushing cleans the surface of your teeth (and the edges of your gums if you brush with a 45 degree angle) but you need to make sure the in between areas of your teeth are also clean – flossing.
  • After brushing and flossing, use mouthwash to give you that fresh-breath feeling.
  • You can also find oral care probiotics (oral mints) which support gum and tooth health and freshen breath.



You don’t need to be bothered by your bad breath anymore; you deserve the best for your mouth. If you struggle with bad breath, the best way to alleviate it is by brushing your teeth two to three times a day. You can speak with Dr. Kezian or your local dentist and discuss any questions you have about brushing and bad breath. Remember, not only is bad breath pesky and hard to deal with but it could be a symptom for other diseases. You should pay attention to your breath and try to find out what may be causing it.

If you do all of the aforementioned and your breath continues to be bad, you should talk to the dentist about any medical concerns you may have. Do not be ashamed to talk to your dentist about it.

Consult with Dr. Kezian for more information about brushing and alleviating bad breath.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777