How a Los Angeles Implant Dentist can replace your missing tooth

So you want to get a dental implant in Los Angeles and you’re looking for the best Los Angeles implant dentist? That’s great. But what do you know about dental implants?

Missing teeth can lower your self-confidence and sometimes even cause infections. So it’s a good choice to refill their empty spots for better health, aesthetic, and practicality. But did you know that there is more than one way to do that? In order to make the best decision and not regret it later, you have to know what is out there. In this article, we will tell you all you need to know about dental implants and bridges, the two main ways to replace missing teeth, their differences, and which one can be a better option for you. Plus we will introduce you to the best Los Angeles implant dentist. So keep reading.

What Causes Tooth Loss?

You can lose a tooth due to a number of reasons. The most common reasons are:

  • Gum disease; gum disease or periodontal disease is responsible for most cases of tooth loss. As a result of poor oral hygiene, bacteria form plaque on the tooth and cause infection in the supporting tissues. With the loosening of these tissues, your tooth will fall off. Certain conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes can also worsen this situation.
  • Genetics; there are certain genetic disorders that can be held accountable for your missing teeth. These hereditary disorders prevent your teeth from coming out. Conditions like ectodermal dysplasia, hypodontia, and oligodontia all belong to this group.
  • Cavities; if you leave your cavities untreated for a long time, they can lead to tooth loss among some more serious consequences.
  • Accidents; perhaps the most obvious reason for tooth loss is an accident. Any accident or injury, especially in athletes, can knock the tooth out of its socket and leave an empty spot as a reminder.

What Are the Risks of a Missing Tooth?

An empty spot in your mouth might not seem that harmful, but don’t underestimate the potential risks it carries. The most common risks are:

  • Infection; your risk of infection increases after losing a tooth. Other than the sides of the nearby teeth being exposed to more damage, bacteria and food particles will have a new home that your toothbrush might not be able to reach. From there the bacteria can easily enter your bloodstream and spread the infection throughout your body. So other than more gum deterioration, you will be in danger of other health defects, most notably, heart disease.
  • Loss of bone structure; just as your jaw holds your teeth in place, your teeth also support your jaw’s bone structure. Your teeth provide the stimulation needed for the bones to rebuild themselves. With the lack of stimulation, the bones start to recede and lose volume, leaving you vulnerable to jaw fractures and gum recession.
  • Teeth misalignment; without strong bones to hold your teeth, they are free to move into the empty spaces of other missing teeth or push against each other. Shifting of each tooth allows the other teeth to move as well. Apart from creating gaps in some parts, this can lead to overcrowding and cause uncomfortable pressure.
  • Difficulty in chewing; teeth misalignment as a result of missing teeth will not only make brushing harder, but it will also cause problems with chewing and biting. With missing front teeth you will have difficulty biting and with missing back teeth you will have difficulty grinding. This can affect digestion and lead to nutrition deficiency.
  • Lower confidence; your teeth play an important part in your self-confidence and when you have a few missing teeth, your confidence lowers dramatically. The damaged bone structures of the jaw will shrink your face and make you look older. And if you have missing front teeth, you might become too self-conscious to smile. Not to mention that missing teeth can impact your speech and cause issues there too.

How a Los Angeles Implant Dentist Can Replace Your Missing Tooth

The above risks are just some of the consequences of a missing tooth. An orthodontist might be able to resolve some of the problems such as misalignment, but the procedures can be very expensive and they won’t replace your missing tooth and won’t have the same functions. So by now, you’re surely convinced to replace your missing tooth.

What are your tooth replacement options?

Probably the first image that comes to mind is dentures. But dentures are becoming a thing of the past when more practical and natural-looking alternatives such as bridges and implants are available. To get a denture, bridge, or dental implant in Los Angeles, you can visit someone like Dr. Kezian who offers all procedures. Dr. Kezian is a Los Angeles implant dentist and he will help you make the best decision. But first, you need to know the differences between dental bridges and dental implants.

Dental Bridges

If there is a missing tooth between two healthy teeth, a dental bridge can be a good option and bridge the gap between them. First, your Los Angeles implant dentist will shave down some parts of the neighboring teeth to create room for the crowns. He will take impressions of the teeth and crowns will be made. He will then cement the crowns and place the porcelain bridge, adjusting it to fit perfectly. The porcelain has a matching color to your natural teeth. Flossing and brushing can become hard with the way the tooth is placed, but if you practice good oral hygiene and follow your dentist’s instructions, you can keep your dental bridge for a good 10 years.

Dental Implants

If you’re missing one or more teeth, dental implants can be a great option for you. A dental implant consists of a false tooth fastened to a titanium post inserted into your jawbone by your Los Angeles implant dentist. The procedure is an outpatient surgery and done in multiple appointments.

The dentist will create an incision in the empty spots of your missing teeth and he will place the titanium posts that act as artificial roots for your new teeth. Your next appointment will be in a few months after your bone has grown around the implant and the titanium is fused into your jawbones to create a strong support for the new teeth. An abutment is placed over these roots that will hold the new teeth. The dentist will take impressions and build a crown. Then he will attach the crown to the abutment and the procedure is done.

If you get a dental implant in Los Angeles, it will look and function like your natural teeth and create an attractive smile. Dental implants can last you upwards of 25 years if you practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for follow-ups since they can be affected by periodontal disease.

If you want to know how to find a Los Angeles implant dentist, watch the video below.

Implants Vs. Bridges

Now you know about the different options to replace a missing tooth, but which one is better?

Most dentists prefer dental implants to bridges and they have good reasons for it. While you can get a bridge within a few weeks, as opposed to an implant which can take up to six months, the procedure is more invasive. To bridge the gap, your dentist has to file down the sides of your adjacent teeth. This is unnecessary, especially if those teeth are in good condition. And since parts of your teeth are still under the bridge, the new tooth is vulnerable to natural wear and tear, decay, and gum disease. Dental implants overcome these issues by planting a titanium post in your jaw. This can also strengthen your jawbones, prevent bone loss and gum recession in the long run, proving the aesthetic values of dental implants. Plus, implants look more natural while bridges can be noticeable.

One main factor that might impact your decision is the cost. Different things like the number of missing teeth and their place can change this, but the general perception is that implants cost higher than bridges, especially if you’re getting a dental implant in Los Angeles, right? Wrong! The main reason implants cost higher in some offices is that the procedures are performed by specialists who charge higher. Whereas in some places like the office of Dr. Kezian, a Los Angeles implant dentist, a single implant to replace one missing tooth can be cheaper than a 3-unit bridge, and all the procedures are done in the office.

Another difference between dental implants and bridges is their recovery time and aftercare. Both have a relatively quick recovery time, but with bridges, you will experience minor pain for several days and it will take longer for you to get used to the new teeth. With bridges, you have to start a more severe dental care routine, because of the difficulties in flossing and brushing. Whereas implants are easier to maintain and your normal routine will suffice. Not to mention that implants can last you a lifetime compared to the 10-year durability of bridges.

So which one should you get?

While the advantages of implants outweigh those of bridges’ and even the American Dental Association recommends implants over bridges, the choice is ultimately yours. Bridges can be a good choice in situations where implants are difficult to be placed, such as areas with minimal, bone like upper molars where the sinus might be in the way. And you can always switch from a bridge to an implant for a better look and functionality.

Whether you need a bridge or a dental implant in Los Angeles, Dr. Kezian is here for you. Dr. Kezian is a Los Angeles implant dentist with more than 10 years of experience offering dental implants and other restorative procedures. After passing hundreds of hours of educational courses, he and his dedicated team are ready to restore your smile and confidence. Everything will be done in the office with a CT scan in-house to plan the case and analyze bone levels. So if you’re ready to replace those missing teeth, call the office of Dr. Kezian today and set your appointment.